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Fantastic Fifteen #1

Hello happy people! :)

Your girl out there got fifteen subscribers on her two weeks old blog!

So as a token of thank you and appreciation - and also self motivation and welcoming more subscribers - I am going to post 15 quotes daily as from today the 15th. Hehe :D


I shall start with the golden rule: " Ne fais pas à autrui ce que tu n'aimerais pas que l'on te fasse. " / "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Lest that I sound cocky, I am going to state without any further ado that mankind is not perfect. We are not perfect, you are not perfect and I certainly am not perfect. However, we have lots to improve, we have lots to learn and all the good that we already are, we have that to share around.

My point here though is that the golden rule is one that I am proud to say that I live by everyday in my life without fail.

I have learnt through lots of experiences in life - may they be harsh, challenging, dramatic or insignificant, funny and brisk - to only treat others how I would want them to treat me.

Whenever I face a situation where I could behave wrongly towards someone who does not deserve it, I stop myself.

For example, if I happen to meet a girl of the same age and friend circle as me, and for some unfathomable reason I don't like her from the very second I meet her (you all know this has happened at least once to all of us) before acting hostile, I picture myself in her shoes. I would not want someone to put on a hostile behaviour just because they feel like they don't like me before even getting to know each other. So, I shake myself up, give myself a couple of slaps in the face and act as friendly but also genuine, as I can. Who knows this person and I might end up being great friends. Who knows later in life I might need her help or she might need mine.

What I am trying to say here guys is that you are subject to feelings you can't understand yourself. You are also subject to being biased due to peer pressure, or culture, or because of a different upbringing. But what good would it bring to you to treat someone in a way that you, yourself, would hate being treated?

Matters such as bullying, power tripping, inequality, fights of all sorts and even more serious matters like raping could be something that would be eradicated if all of us learn to inculcate this golden rule in our daily lives.

See you tomorrow for Number Two!

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