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Fantastic Fifteen #13 and #14

Hello happy people! :)

It's that day again. Two quotes in just a day! (because I failed to post one yesterday...oopsie!)

As a kid, I was obsessed with this movie, Eragon. The bond that the main character shared with his dragon was magical (you can click on the movie title for a short clip of how the two started connecting). I would never miss an opportunity to see the movie, it played at least every weekend and if I saw it playing, i'd stop everything I was doing to watch it. The movie had this ending that you knew there would be a second one. However, when I looked into it one day and realized how old that movie was, I realized they would never have a second one. Saddest news ever. Until I realized there's the books!! The Eragon series, which was what the movie was based on! ANYWAYS LET ME GET BACK TO THE POINT WITH MY QUOTES.

NUMBER Thirteen :

"Without FEAR, there cannot be COURAGE."

~ Christopher Paolini.

There are so many instances where we get called names because we are afraid of doing something, so many times where we actually do something we would never do because we take our fear into motivation. My point is, we should never feel bad or inferior about experiencing fear. If not for fear, courage would not even exist. If not for fear, everything we do would just be...just be things we would do anyways. But instead, because there is fear, our actions mean more. Because I am afraid of heights, walking on bridges and jumping from high walls feel like an accomplishment whereas if I did not fear, those actions would not feel like anything special.

You can also be called courageous when you are a warrior transcending your fears. You cannot be called courageous if you are doing things you do in your every day life and you don't mind doing them.

In the books, Eragon feared to fail protecting his village. He feared the bad guys. But he was the most courageous guy in the story because despite all these feelings of insecurity and fear, he not only pursued into the war but he succeeded.

Don't be afraid of being afraid. Just take your fears, let them motivate you and then only can you be courageous upon affronting your fears.


"STARS can't Shine without DARKNESS."

~ D.H. Sidebottom.

You all know by now that I am all about being positive and happy. And I have been asked a lot of times: how? why? since when? Funny thing is, I never realized I was that positive and that happy until people constantly started pointing it out. And I realized around me, there's so many people that are negative and not happy. I started observing more and more and that made me learn more about myself and my surrounding, made me aware of my reactions and behaviours compared to others'.


How am I so happy? I really don't know. The smallest thing can make me the happiest. Seeing a wall all painted in mint would make my whole day better, just because it's my favourite colour. It can sound stupid and insignificant, but it genuinely makes me that happy.

I have also learnt that we cannot take life and what it grants us for granted. Which leads me to the why.


Why am I so happy? Because I don't think it is worth it letting negative things affect you. You never know what can happen next to you. You might be rushing to work, cursing yourself to have to walk so fast and fall in the stairs. Break your ankle. And be handicapped for weeks, if not months. Then you'd struggle so much to reach your destination and you'd realize...poop, I wish I could afford complaining about having to walk everywhere again. At least, I was able to walk then. So for me, always enjoy what you have in the moment, because you don't know what's awaiting you. Even if it's a good surprise, you being already happy with trivial matters would make the surprise feel a gazillion times better! I don't pretend to be a wise young lady telling you how to live, but this is just something personal that I think made my life and perspectives on life better.


Let's just say that I have not had a simple life before moving to Toronto. And going through what I went through, being happy is much more easier now than it was before. Which is why I relate to this quote. Stars can't shine without darkness. I have had very dark experience, yet people always say that I have a great energy, that I am one of the happiest person they've met. Well, I am one of those stars that was hidden under darkness before I could shine.

So, don't forget to shine! Whether or not there is darkness, get your shine on. It's gonna be worth it.

Your girl out there, shining bright like a diamond, waiting for you guys to join so we can be part of a constellation.


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