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Have a Meaning; Have a Goal.

You are my muse,

You give me hope and strength without which I am left with no use.

You are my path,

You give me purpose without which I would crumble under my own wrath.

You are my essence,

You give me a new breath, a new perspective giving my life a new sense.

You are enlightening,

You. are. meaning.


Have you ever been obsessed with something but only temporarily?

Have you been relentlessly thinking about it, doing it only to find yourself fed up with it after a couple of months?

A song? A sport? A hobby? A movie?

With anything you do, anything you set in mind for yourself to accomplish, never omit to put a meaning to it.

In the meaning lies the lasting moment.

With the meaning you will find consistence and permanence.

Some people, most of us in fact, have a tight bond with music.

This is because music is a common outlet for many of us.

In music do we find meaning, relief, understanding and so much more.

We get attached to a particular song because not only can we relate to it, but because it has depth; it has meaning.

Something without meaning will flee very fast from our grasp.

However, we automatically hang on to things that have meaning.

Think of three of your deepest, favourite songs.

Either one of the songs will relate to your current state today.

Or it will relate to a past relationship you have gone through and marked you for life.

Or even would throw you back to the most memorable path in your life, be it good or bad.

If you find meaning, you can create your goal.

Constantly having a goal is the secret to drive and success.

A path without meaning, without a goal, is a never-ending charcoal path.

You do not know why you are keeping up with the heat that's burning off the skin of your bare feet.

And you do not know what and why you are trying to reach the end of it.

Build yourself meaning, create yourself a goal and somehow that path will be easier to walk on.

You will find that even though the fire is peeling off your skin, it is worth it.

You will keep walking till the end of it because you have a goal.

And that goal will finally be yours once you cross the end of the burning charcoal.

Your girl out there,

Struggling her way through a path of fire.

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